Saturday, January 22, 2011

High Energy Morning

How big is this wave?  Big enough
It was big this morning.  Not out of control big, but big enough that everyone got their clock cleaned by at least one sneaker set.  It was head high and the big sets were 2-3 feet over that.  Long lulls seduced a few into the line up who had no business there but momma O knew who they were and bitch slapped them around a little bit; one went over the falls backwards (holding on to their board the entire time) but most just got thumped really really hard in the impact zone.  Here are some photos from the morning go out.  Supposed to be larger tomorrow.

Snappy barrels in front of LG Tower

One of the rare lefts this morning; a 2 shot sequence (1)

and (2)

Just when you thought you had made it outside...

A two shot sequence of Marcos on a nice fat left hook (1)

and (2)

Take that!

Step on the gas!

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