Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Photos from this morning's "It's LARGE" session

The waves were substantial this morning and a dozen or so of the tribe, including Mike and Rodney, ventured out at 15th street.  And, after battling the fierce south currents, taking it numerous times on the head in the impact zone and funky conditions a few managed to snag some waves.  Actually, I think the best surfers out today were the pelicans.  They were everywhere and picking off the biggest, cleanest set waves as others were scrambling to get out of the way.  And guess what?  Not a janitor in sight!

Here is some eye candy from this morning .
It was pretty stacked up this morning; especially the sets

Sometimes they looked like this....
 Most of the time like this.
Strangest thing I saw this morning; he just sat there and let this wave break on his head, didn't even try to move.
Mike hooks into a big left.
Pretty huh?
Dive, dive, dive!
Straight into oblivion
Wave of the day
This did not end well.
Smash that lip!

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